Welcome to Daily Grail's "IT" List, a column where we ask those who know to share what's in the know. The eleventh edition features the CEO of Reza High Jewelry, Olivier Reza.

A breakdown of Olivier Reza's "IT List:
My Bonzai, nothing better than nature's creations shaped by man
My favorite iron sculpture by César: it's extremely gentle and shows how sensitive this man was
Coco's, my friend Edmond Safra's restaurant at Colette, it's the best Japanese food in New York
Handvaerk PJs, they're made of the most comfortable fabric
The cutest thing alive: Toby, my schnauzer
A glass of good red rine at the end of the day in a Zalto glass
My latest 70s Audemars, I love the creativity in that period, design was on the forefront
The inspiration for recent designs and the ultimate icebreaker: my Kohei Nawa
A massage by Amanda Equinox
James Perse Japanese cotton v-neck t-shirts